I spår 1 gör du en fallande resa in i din kropp. Från kronchakrat tar du med dig universell energi ner genom varje chakra och öppnar upp. Resan fortsätter i spår 2 och nu vänder den och stiger upp ur rotchakrat.
Nu kan du låta varje chakra fyllas med livgivande kraft. Denna musik är djupt meditativ och transformerande.
“In 1980 I was in a serious car accident. Left unable to walk, I drew upon my experience as a musician and energy practitioner to explore how I could use breath, meditation, and sound to stimulate and realign my energetic body in order to heal myself. To my doctor’s amazement, I quickly made a full recovery. Wanting to share my experience with others, I refined what I had discovered and created a new kind of musical process that induces deep relaxation and resonates with the body’s energy centers, or chakras—which I call The Ison Method™”— David Ison
Since that time, Ison has used his music to catalyze profound healing and transformational insight with thousands of clients. Chakra Healing Music releases blockages in your physical and energetic bodies. As you listen, you will experience waves of relaxation and expanding emotional freedom. From this deep and open place, healing can occur spontaneously, and new possibilities for living emerge