av Bill Harvey
Publisher: Human Effectiveness Institute
This DVD was designed to complement and increase the power of the techniques described in our book, Freeing Creative Effectiveness: Doorways into the Upper Mind.
Rich visual imagery and musical accompaniment behind the narration combine to make the experience a beautiful immersion into new headspaces in ways that no book can duplicate. All parts of the brain engage with the stimuli, automatically relaxing you into a more flexible state where you are released and able to mentally go anywhere you like. You may find yourself watching it in short bursts because what you really enjoy the most are the flood of new ideas it sparks, which you might want to write down or simply contemplate.
As Ram Dass, author of Be Here Now, wrote about the book in its earlier incarnation, "Mind Magic is a delight. Sets forth with neat precision just how to do it (think)."(49 min DVD)