pioneer Steve Roach. Excerpting tracks from his thirteen Projekt Records CDs, Roach hand-selected and mixed these pieces into a perfect flow which serves as an ideal insight into his vast recorded history.
"Space" and "time" are two themes that run constant in all Roach’s music. Rich with emotion and nuance, his sound creations evoke a strong sense of space and atmosphere while simultaneously altering the perception of time within that space. From the expansive, time-suspending landscapes reflected in releases such as 1984’s Structures from Silence and 2003’s Mystic Chords & Sacred Spaces to the fire breathing, rhythmic-shamanic expressions woven from all things electric and organic on 1989’s Dreamtime Return and 2000’s The Serpent’s Lair, Roach has earned his position in the international pantheon of major ambient-atmospheric-electronic artists. Fueled by Roach’s prolific nature and uncompromising approach, Space and Time invites the listener on a 74-minute journey into the extraordinary soundworlds of Steve Roach