Marjorie de Muynck.
Musik till Jordens pulserande rytm och andning. Akustiska instrument i harmoni med allt levande på Jorden genom skapelsen AUM-klang.
In the Key of Earth is a celebration of our planet as a living organism, with its pulse, breath, rhythms and cycles – resplendent and musical. In this ambient recording, Marjorie bends and reinvents the boundaries between sound and music through seldom heard harmonics created with acoustic instruments. Ohm is the fundamental tone upon which all effects are built, chosen because Earth is our fundamental place of life. The overtones and harmonics are like colors, prisms of light playing off the fundamental of Ohm. Like an abstract expressionist, Marjorie plays her instruments, but not as one would anticipate. Nuances and unexpected harmonics are accentuated and incorporated as compositional elements. The effect is captivating, symphonic and inspiring.