minska förnimmelsen av tiden och öka medvetandet av vårt inre jag.
Innehåller två meditationer:
1. Gateway to Orion - Tuned to DNA resonance, sidereal earth-day, high harmonic octave orange-red, planet Earth and Mars. Chakra: root and emotional. Fragrance: ylang-ylang, melissa and orange.
2. Passage of Peace - High harmonic octave blue. Tuned to the planet Saturn. Chakra: etheric-throat. Fragrance: geranium. This personal attunement music was conceived and performed around the Spring vernal equinox, on which day and night are of equal length. This highly charged event represents the continued rebirth of nature, both physically and spiritually. The intent of Arc of Light is to remind ourselves of our connection to a higher source and our need to heal and uplift the consciousness of the Universe. Arc of Light is Geo-Astro Harmonic© music performed on sacred global instruments.