Mannen bakom Sound Health & Essential Sound serien med musik för ljudhealing, Joshua Leeds, har producerat denna psykoakustiskt arrangerade Tchaikovsky’s String Quartet #1 med Hemi-Sync® frekvenser, för att underlätta healing, välbefinnande och återhämtning. CD 60 min.
This unique restorative music collection, assembled from sound researcher and music producer Joshua Leeds’ highly-acclaimed Essential Sound Series, features psychoacousticlly arranged variations of Tchaikovsky’s String Quartet #1. Designed to support recuperation, healing, and enhanced well-being, frequencies aid this process by moving you into a profound state of relaxation and helping to strengthen the mind-body connection. This soothing classical compilation is performed by the award-winning players of the Apollo Chamber Ensemble, featuring Lisa Spector, pianist. Length: 60 minutes. Other Metamusic® titles produced by Joshua Leeds are Baroque Garden and Masterworks.