Tom Kenyon
En djup relax resa som ger ny energi, med psykoakustiska ljudeffekter inbäddade i musik.
22 minuters semester.
24 minuters tupplur.
Sweet delta för längre sömnperiod
The 22-Minute Vacation: Take a fantasy vacation to your favorite imagined sanctuary utilizing intricate psychoacoustic tonal patterns to generate deeply rejuvenating states of body and mind.
The 24-Minute Nap: Created specifically for those times when you may feel sleep deprived or need a quick period of rest, this calming session takes you on a brief, refreshing trip into low delta—the brainwave state associated with deep relaxation.
Sweet Delta: When you need a longer period of rest, this soothing combination of music and psychoacoustic frequencies eases you into the low-delta state for a full, revitalizing night of sleep